Monday, October 25, 2010

Dark Marks On Lcd Tv Screen

Email received by our low

Bonsoir Philippe,

Thanks again for this wonderful evening. Here
qques pictures in memory. A forward also to 3 other chirp. I
2 shipments. (Note the first photo where it is clear that chirp like birds can fly!)

During the heating
Regards, Paul &
; Maïdette

Sunday, October 24, 2010

10c Per Litter Canadian Tire

The vigil vigils in Pictures

Duet Concertina
The magic phone

On Stage

Graphic on the Book of Vigils

Friday, October 22, 2010

Parts For Eminent Luggage

Kervaines - October 16, 2010

When a farmhouse is transformed into a concert hall, an entire event. Everyone knows his role in preparing for this evening: curtain backdrop, light. When we arrived, the chairs are not installed and it's hard to imagine that 60 people will be able to take in such a space. And yet ... The structure is rehearsed long and guests are not at their first attempt. Getting voice connection, while small hands prepare the meals of the household and musicians before the arrival of the public. The fragrance caress our nostrils.
Everyone brings chairs, a cake, a drink for the break between the two concerts. All spaces will be occupied. In
first part, the discovery of a duet concertina tunes for the British Isles, Ireland but also of Britain. The wonderful then invites himself through the channel of the phone with a magic remote, impressive. This will be the theme of the next vigil. After the break, it is our ... Pressure rises.
The applause are fed, the surprise costumes cause Ah! Place the composers of the Renaissance.
A big thank you for your hospitality and warm this evening.